Next Fall

Luke believes in God. Adam believes in everything else. “Next Fall” portrays the ups and downs of this unlikely couple’s five-year relationship with sharp humour and unflinching honesty. And when an accident changes everything, Adam must turn to Luke’s family and friends for support… and answers. “Next Fall” offers a picture of modern romance, asking questions about commitment, love and faith.

March-28th to April 12th, 2024 (Th, Fri, Sat @ 7:30 pm)

Matinees April 7th and 13th, 2024 (@ 2:00 pm)

Directed by: Wayne Nolan

There will be a special “Talk Back” session following our Sunday April 7th performance featuring a Q&A with director and cast!  Note: the shuttle service for this performance will return to Parkgate AFTER this additional ~30 minute component of the afternoon!

Julia Chayko – Arlene
Andrew Fraser – Luke
Evan Kelly – Brandon
Chuck Mayne – Butch
Mersiha Mušović – Holly
Doug Perri – Adam

The show contains adult themes, so may not be suitable for younger audiences.

$22 for Adults
$20 for Seniors & Students

All our shows are general admission.  Seating is first come, first served. 

The show will run approximately 2.25 hours including a 15 minute intermission.
